EISCD Data File Specifications


In the record structures the following abbreviations are used:

Abbreviation Represents
Size The maximum size of the field with a code, either “m”, “o” or “c”
m Field always contains data
o Field may contain data
c Field will contain data in certain circumstances. If C is shown within a clearing data group, the bank office participates in the clearing.

EISCD data file

The following table details the contents of the extended ISCD file. The file contains a record for every bank office or branch. Each record is 96 fields long, and the data in each record is divided into data groups as shown in the following table:

Fields Data group
1 - 14 Bank office general details
15 - 37 Details of the bank office in the Bacs clearing
38 - 44 Details of the bank office in the CHAPS Sterling clearing
45 - 53 Details of the bank office in the CHAPS Euro clearing, all fields other than status will be null
54 - 60 Details of the bank office in the C&CC clearing
61 - 74 Details of the bank office in the Faster Payments clearing
75 - 96 Details of the bank office.

Field Size Name Contents
1 6 c Sorting code Will be numeric.
2 8 c BIC Field 1 Will be alphanumeric.
3 3 c Field 2
4 2 o Subbranch suffix Will be numeric.
5 27 m Short branch title • Will be alphanumeric
• Official title of each branch, as appears on cheque books.
6 20 m Short name of owning bank • Will be alphanumeric
• Name is formally approved by Payments Council.
7 35 m Full name of owning bank Line 1 • Will be alphanumeric
• Name is formally approved by Payments Council.
8 35 o Line 2  
9 4 m Bank code of owning bank • Will be numeric
• The numeric code as generated and allocated by VocaLink.
10 2 o National central bank (NCB) country code Will be blank or, for bank offices that are TARGET NCBs, field will be the two-character ISO country code for the country the bank office is the NCB for. For a full list see sec 6, pg 19.
11 1 m Supervisory body • For bank offices that are agencies in one or more of the clearings, specifies the authorising body. Will be either:
- A for PRA/FCA
- B for other financial authorities
- C for Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man
- D for Other.
12 10 o Deleted date When a bank office is closed in all services it is removed from the ISCD. This field shows the date the bank office will be deleted from the ISCD, if populated before 6 June 2005.
Otherwise, the field will be blank. If the last service was set to close after the 6 June 2005, the bank office’s deleted date can be ascertained from fields 17, 41, 47, 56 and 63.
13 10 m Date of last change Will be the date the last amendment was made to any of the clearing groups or the other general information group.
Note: This field will be space filled to 20 characters.
14 1 m Print indicator May be 0 to 5.
15 1 m Status Will be either:
• M Bank office of Bacs member, accepts Bacs payments
• A Bank office of agency bank, accepts Bacs payments
• N Bank office does not accept Bacs payments
See field 17.
16 10 c Date of last change Will be the effective date of the last amendment made to this data group (ie the bank office’s Bacs information).
17 10 o Date closed in Bacs clearing Will be the date the bank office will be closed in the Bacs clearing. The date will be set at the same time as the status (field 15) is set to N.
18 1 o Redirection from flag If the bank office is set as the redirection sorting code for one or more other bank offices, will be set to R. Otherwise, the field will be blank.
19 6 o Redirect to sort code Will be either:
• The six-digit sorting code to which output destined for this sorting code will be redirected
• Blank.
20 4 c Bacs settlement bank Will be the numeric, VocaLink generated, bank code of the Bacs member that settles the Bacs output for this sorting code. For Bacs members this will be the same as field 9. For agencies in Bacs this will be the bank code of one of the Bacs members.
21 2 c Settlement section Will be numeric. Data required for Bacs output and settlement, specified by the Bacs member.
22 2 o Settlement subsection  
23 4 c Handling bank Will be the numeric, VocaLink generated, bank code of the Bacs member that handles the Bacs output for this bank office.
24 2 c Handling bank stream Each Bacs member can divide its output into one or more streams.
This will be the numeric code of the output stream specified, by the handling bank, for output destined for this bank office.
25 1 c Accounts numbered flag Account numbered flag:
• Y Bank office has transferable account numbers
On redirection due to branch closure the account number is not zeroised.
• N Bank office does not transferable account numbers
On redirection due to branch closure the account number is zeroised.
26 1 c DDI voucher flag Will be either:
• Y Bank office cannot accept output of electronic DDIs
Requires printed vouchers
• N Bank office can accept output of electronic DDIs
Does not require printed vouchers.
27 2 o Transactions disallowed DR Will be DR if the bank office cannot accept DR transaction types, otherwise will be blank. See sec 5, pg 18.
28 2 o CR Will be CR if the bank office cannot accept CR transaction types, otherwise will be blank. See sec 5, pg 18.
29 2 o CU Will be CU if the bank office cannot accept CU transaction types, otherwise will be blank. See sec 5, pg 18.
30 2 o PR Will be null.
31 2 o BS Will be BS if the bank office cannot accept BS transaction types, otherwise will be blank. See sec 5, pg 18.
32 2 o DV Will be DV if the bank office cannot accept DV transaction types, otherwise will be blank. See sec 5, pg 18.
33 2 o AU Will be AU if the bank office cannot accept AU transaction types, otherwise will be blank. See sec 5, pg 18.
34 2 o Spare Will be null.
35 2 o Spare Will be null.
36 2 o Spare Will be null.
37 n/a Spare field Will be null.
38 1 o Return indicator Will be either:
• R If the bank office is the nominated return office
The office to which returned CHAPS £ payments should be sent
• blank.
39 1 m Status Will be either:
• D Bank office is a direct office of a CHAPS member that accepts CHAPS £ payments
• I Bank office is an indirect office of a CHAPS member or agency bank that accepts CHAPS £ payments
• N Bank office does not accept CHAPS £ payments
See field 41.
Note: a direct office is bank office that is part of the SWIFT closed user group.
40 10 c Effective date of last change Will be the effective date of the last amendment made to this data group (ie the bank office’s CHAPS £ information).
41 10 o Date closed in CHAPS £ Will be the date the bank office will be closed in the CHAPS £ clearing. The date will be set at the same time as the status (field 39) is set to N.
42 3 c CHAPS £ settlement member Will be the numeric CHAPS ID of the CHAPS £ member that settles the CHAPS £ payments for this bank office. For CHAPS
£ members this will be the same as field 9. For agencies in CHAPS £ this will be the bank code of one of the CHAPS £ members.
Note: this is not the BACS bank code. It is a numeric code used in both CHAPS clearings, and the first digit is always zero.
43 8 c CHAPS £ routing BIC Field 1 Will be alphanumeric.
Specifies the SWIFT closed user group to which CHAPS £ payments for this bank office should be routed.
44 3 o Field 2
45 1 m Status Will be N.
46 10 c Effective date of last change Will be null.
47 10 o Date closed in CHAPS €
48 8 c CHAPS € routing BIC Field 1
49 3 o Field 2
50 3 c CHAPS € settlement member
51 1 o Return indicator
52 5 c SWIFT data
53 n/a Spare field
54 1 m Status Will be either:
• M Bank office of a C&CC member
• F Bank office of a full agency bank
• D Bank office of a debit agency bank
• N Bank office is not part of C&CC clearing
See field 56.
55 10 c Effective date of last change Will be the effective date of the last amendment made to this data group (ie the bank office’s C&CC information).
56 10 o Date closed in C&CC Will be the date the bank office will be closed in the C&CC clearing. The date will be set at the same time as the status (field 54) is set to N.
57 3 c C&CC settlement bank Will be the numeric, VocaLink generated, bank code of the C&CC member that settles the C&CC output for this bank office. For C&CC members this will be the same as field 9. For agencies in C&CC this will be the bank code of one of the C&CC members. Note: This field will be space filled to 4 characters.
58 6 c Debit agency sorting code If the status (field 54) is set to D, will be the sorting code of the bank office that handles cheque clearing for this bank office. Otherwise will be blank.
59 1 o Return indicator • Will be null.
60 2 c GB/NI indicator Will be alphanumeric.
For C&CC purposes, this field identifies whether an office is in mainland Great Britain (GB) or Northern Ireland (NI). This field may be blank. Note: This field will be space filled to 20 characters.
61 1 m Status Will be either:
• M Bank office of FPS member, accepts FPS payments
• A Bank office of FPS agency bank, accepts FPS payments
• N Bank office does not accept FPS payments. See field 63.
62 10 c Effective date of last change Will be the effective date of the last amendment made to this data group (ie the bank office’s Faster Payments information).
63 10 o Date closed in Faster Payments clearing Will be the date the bank office will be closed in the Faster Payments clearing. The status (field 61) will be set to N when date closed is effective.
64 1 o Redirection from flag If the bank office is set as the redirection sorting code for one or more bank offices, will be set to R. Otherwise will be blank.
65 6 o Redirect to sorting code Will be either:
• The six-digit sorting code to which output destined for this sorting code will be redirected
• Blank.
66 2 c FPS settlement bank – connection type Will be a two-digit connectivity code. Will be 01 (FPS member).
67 2 c Padding Will be nn (for future expansion).
68 4 c FPS settlement bank – bank code Will be the bank code of the FPS member that settles the Faster Payments output for this sorting code.
69 2 c Handling bank – connection type Will be a two-digit connectivity code, either:
• 01 FPS member
• 02 Direct agency
• 04 Responding third party beneficiary
• 05 Nonresponding third party beneficiary.
70 2 c Padding Will be nn (for future expansion).
71 4 c Handling bank – bank code Will be the bank code of the FPS member, agency or third party beneficiary that the Faster Payments routed payment will be sent to.
72 1 c Accounts numbered flag Account numbered flag:
• Y Bank office has transferable account numbers
On redirection due to branch closure the account number is not zeroised.
• N Bank office does not transferable account numbers
On redirection due to branch closure the account number is zeroised.
73 1 o Agency type Mandatory when status (field 61) equals A. Will be either:
• D Bank office is a direct agency
FPS payment requests are sent directly to the agency
• I Bank office is an indirect agency
FPS payment requests are sent via an intermediary bank. The intermediary bank can be either an FPS member or a direct agency, that is handling bank connection type 01 or 02 respectively.
74 n/a Spare field   Will be null.
75 1 m Branch type indicator Will be either:
• M Bank office is a main bank office
• S Bank office is a subbank office
Same sorting code as the main bank office but with a subbank office suffix
• L Bank office is a linked bank office
Linked to a main bank office with different sorting code.
76 6 c Sort code of main branch If the branch type indicator (field 75) is set to L, will be the sorting code of the bank office this bank office is linked to. Otherwise will be blank.
77 30 o Major location name Will be alphanumeric, and all characters will be upper case. Principally, these are the Post Office postal districts eg MANCHESTER, LONDON. VocaLink maintains a table of
major locations.
78 30 o Minor location name Will be alphanumeric. These can be any values.
79 35 o Branch name or place Will be alphanumeric. Defines the actual place of the bank office.
80 1 o Second entry indicator Will be 1 or 2.
81 35 o Branch name for second entry Will be alphanumeric. If field 80 is set to 2, this field will contain the alternative branch name.
82 35 o Full branch title Part 1 Will be alphanumeric. This is an extended title for the bank office. If the institution does not provide a full branch title, the details in field 5 will be copied here.
83 35 o Part 2
84 35 o Part 3
85 35 o Address Line 1 Will be alphanumeric. The address of the bank office. For sub and linked bank offices this field is optional. Note: the database is not guaranteed to have the correct pieces of data in the correct fields to conform to Post Office address standards.
86 35 o Line 2
87 35 o Line 3
88 35 o Line 4
89 30 o Town
90 30 o County
91 4 o Post code Field 1 Will be alphanumeric. For main bank offices (see field 75), the post code of the bank office. For sub and linked bank offices this field is optional.
92 4 o Field 2
93 10 o Telephone Area Will be alphanumeric. Note: international telephone numbers are not split into area and number. The number is stored as if fields 93 and 94 are one. Note: Field 93 will be space filled to 10 characters.
94 8 o No.
95 10 o Telephone 2 Area Will be alphanumeric. Note: international telephone numbers are not split into area and number. The number is stored as if fields 95 and 96 are one. Note: Field 95 will be space filled to 10 characters.
96 8 o No.

EISCD File Specification in PDF